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16 responses so far!
Thank you for this theme. It’s quite difficult to look for baby stuffs wordpress theme.
A lot of thanks, Nice look..
Just to let you know, your theme isn’t working for wordpress 2.7.1.
Attention to WordPress 2.7.x users.
To display the themes number 1 to 120 correctly one should change the title of the theme in the style.css file the
Theme Name: any text (exactly letters) in the list of the themes in your blog.
I hope the WordPress developers will correct this bug in the next version. -
Thanks for this theme.
I think I might use this for my new baby blog since I got my 3 month old baby already. Would probably change the picture and put a photo of my son on the header. Thanks for the theme!
cool look!
Very nice look, thank you.
very sweet theme
Cute theme thanks.
Very nice wordpress theme. Thank You…
It’s quite difficult to find wordpress theme for baby stuffs -
viry nice this theme
Finally found a suitable template.Thank you!
Thanks for sharing, i have used it
Just the kind of baby theme I was looking for. Thanks